warning lines literary publishes work by queer and/or trans creators. We especially want to hear from QTPOC, and those multiply marginalized. Whether you belong in these categories is of course not for us to decide, but rather for each author to determine.
We seek to publish work that engages with themes of otherness, of rebellion, of monstrosity, of terror; of the pursuit of knowledge and freedom, of instrospection, of transformation—and anything else for which the fallen angel stands. We want the daring, the fiery, the introspective. The gothic, the monstrous, the dark. We want your fiery revolutions and tender rebellions, your anti-baptisms in blood. Make the world burn and remake it in your image.
general guidelines
- poetry, fiction, creative non-fiction, essays, and visual art. Unclassifiable work is also welcome, as long as it can be presented on a page. You may submit in multiple genres, but only send one submission per reading period unless invited to do otherwise.
- Simultaneous submissions
- Previously published work (be sure to tell us where the piece first appeared!)
- We do accept work that includes depictions of bigotry, but this must be “own voices,” as we seek to empower those outcasted by society to tell their own stories and take up the space they deserve— not speak over or for them.
- submissions containing graphic depictions of sexual assault, or excessive/gratuitous violence. Those themes are allowed, and we love horror, but we do not want to read essentially torture porn.
- submissions which promote bigotry, including but not limited to: racism, transphobia, queerphobia, colorism, ableism, classism, antisemitism, colonialism, aphobia, etc.
- We do not accept submissions from people under 18 years of age. By submitting you agree that you are aged 18+.
- For prose: up to 5,000 words per piece (roughly), max 2 pieces
- For poetry: max. 2 pages per poem, and up to 3 poems
- For visual art: jpeg, png, or pdf only, up to 3 pieces.
- You may submit in as many categories as you please, but please only submit a maximum of 3 pieces total. Unless you have strayed greatly from the guidelines, minor mistakes will not be a cause for rejection!
- Submissions should be at least loosely related to our ethos. (See about page and read Vol. 03, 04 and/or 05 to familiarize yourself with this!). This is meant to be very loosely interpreted
- Submitters must include content warnings for each piece, if needed. Please, always tag sexual content.
- We reserve the right to deplatform authors who are found to display bigotry, even if it is not directly reflected in their work. This is meant to be a safe place for those of us outcasted by society.
- We take first serial rights (or non-exclusive reprint rights for previously published work) and non-exclusive archival rights for the accepted pieces. Your work ALWAYS remains your own and you can always publish it elsewhere so long as you credit that it appeared with us first.
- We lack the funds to pay an honorarium at this time, but we will do so when and if the opportunity arises, and will offer print copies at a discount for contributors.
- We aim to respond to submissions within 1 month, but it can take up to 6 weeks sometimes.
- Use the google forms to submit (big button below) unless you are sending an expedited submission!
48-hour response
– Tip $5 to our Ko-fi here. This is for your entire submission, not per piece!
– Send your submission to our email address:
– Include a short 3rd person bio!
– Do not submit your expedited subs via the google forms, or your normal subs to our email!